We can offer same-day appointments, with doctor examinations, to provide sickness certification for employees to verify their absence from work.
Our employee health checks can help you to speed recovery, providing advice on treatment & managing your condition & health, & overall contribute to a reduction in workplace absenteeism.
Our fast turnaround times mean better efficiency for you, & no need to wait for an appointment with the GP.
What we do:
Our services include:
- Same-day appointments to limit the time taken off work
- Urgent appointments for sick employees, to speed recovery
- A telephone advice line for your human resources department
- Same-day sickness certificates & reports
- Long-term sick leave assessments
- Fitness-to-work assessments
- Formulation of a return to work programme
What to do next
Please call us at the clinic to book your appointment, or if you have any questions about our sick leave services.
Consultation Rates |
£Prices from | |
Doctor - telephone consultation | £85 | |
Nurse - 30 minutes | £85 | |
Doctor - 30 minutes | £175 | |
Doctor - 60 minutes | £275 |
Consultation Rates | Prices from |
Doctor - telephone consultation | £85 |
15-minute telephone or video consultation with senior doctor | |
Nurse - 30 minutes | £85 |
In-person or telephone consultation with a senior specialist nurse (family planning, UTIs and symptomatic sexual health) | |
Doctor - 30 minutes | £175 |
In-person consultation with senior doctor | |
Doctor - 60 minutes | £275 |
In-person consultation with senior doctor |