Cholesterol Testing

Comprehensive cholesterol profile

  • Quick & easy procedure with fast results
  • Same-day appointments available with fast results
  • Monitor your levels as part of a preventative care regimens
Pricing £75
Type of sample taken Blood
Turnaround time 15 mins
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Having a healthy cholesterol level is key to the health of your heart. Cholesterol testing at our London clinics is a great way to keep track of your cholesterol levels & stay heart healthy.

Cholesterol is produced mainly by the liver, & is also found in certain foods. As a fatty substance, cholesterol provides fuel for many everyday bodily functions. However, when it appears in high levels in the blood, it can have a negative impact on your health, increasing your cardiovascular risk in terms of stroke & heart attack.

A Cholesterol blood test measures the amount of LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. A high level of LDL cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. A high level of HDL cholesterol protects against heart disease. Triglycerides are the chemical form most fats take in the body before being used for energy. However, a high level of triglycerides can also lead to similar diseases.

Patients with medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pr