Food allergies have become more common over the past two decades, although it is not fully understood why. It is usually more common amongst children, who often outgrow their allergies.
Our food allergies package test includes tests for celery, egg white, egg yolk, fish (cod), garlic, kiwi, maize, milk (cow’s), onion, peanut, sesame seed, soya bean, tomato, wheat, & yeast.
The symptoms of a true food allergy usually develop quite quickly, often within seconds or minutes, & at most up to an hour of exposure to the allergen (as opposed to intolerance, which often involves a more delayed response).
Symptoms of food allergies include:
- hives (urticaria), where the skin develops itchy, raised red patches
- an itching sensation on the face, eyelids, lips, or tongue
- swelling of the face, eyelid