Erectile Dysfunction

ED Diagnosis & Treatment

  • Quick diagnosis & treatment
  • Erectile dysfunction testing package available
  • Rule out possibility of serious underlying disease
Pricing £395
Procedure duration 60 mins
Follow up If required
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Erectile dysfunction is an extremely common condition affecting most men at some point in their lives. Our erectile dysfunction package includes time with an experienced GP, examination and relevant blood testing to give you quick answers and treatment.

Our erectile dysfunction package includes a 60-minute consultation with a GP and extensive blood testing to determine your symptoms’ root cause. We look at your overall health, diabetes risk, hormone imbalance and prostate health to exclude the usual contributors to erectile dysfunction. We will also speak with you to understand the circumstances around the onset of your symptoms and offer you advice and appropriate treatment, so you can go back to living a fulfilling life.

Erectile dysfunction is defined as ongoing difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection. This main symptom may or may not be accompanied by a loss of libido. ED has either physical or psychological causes. If you wake up with an erection or can get an erection when you are alone, it is more likely that the cause of your ED is psychological.

The most common cause of occasional failure to maintain an erection is drinking alcohol. Still, if you notice that your sympto