Winter Survival Guide – Tip 6: Manage your stress

Being stressed and feeling under pressure can have a lot of different influences on our body. One of the effects that stress has is weakening our immune system. This makes our body more vulnerable towards all the nasty winter infections.

Emotional Support

You should seek help if you are experiencing longer term stress that doesn’t feel like it is resolving. Support is available from therapists and counsellors.

Nutritional Support

In stressful situations our body requires more magnesium so our muscles and nerves can work properly.  And also we should not forget about the B vitamins. To get magnesium and B vitamins to your body in natural form here are tips for meals rich in magnesium and B vitamins.

Magnesium rich foods:

  1. Raw spinach
  2. Nuts and seeds
  3. Fish
  4. Beans and lentils

B vitamins rich foods:

  1. Whole grains (except B-12)
  2. Broccoli and Spinach for B-2
  3. Beets and peanuts for B-3
  4. Eggs for B-1, B-6 and B-12
  5. Leafy green vegetables for biotin and vitamin B-5

Overall, long-term stress makes us eat badly, smoke more and drink more. It affects our sleep quality and reduces our immunity. It’s important to take stress seriously.

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