Why have an annual health check-up?

There are so many benefits of having a preventative check-up
So much change happens within us daily, making our bodies one of the most impressive systems. Yet, many serious diseases and health conditions develop slowly and do not always have symptoms until they are quite advanced. Read more about the benefits of preventative health screenings.

Regular head to toe Wellman and Wellwoman examinations are the most effective way to ensure that everything is working as it should be and here is why they are important:

Prevention is better than cure

Doctor using a stethoscope checking patient
Do you take your car for an MOT every year? For those who do own one, the answer is most probably yes. So, when you book your car for a yearly check-up, we encourage you to book the drivers too. After all, even the most expensive cars come with spare parts, but we don’t.

At our clinic, we believe very strongly in preventative healthcare. Annual health checks are preventative, and you do not need to be unwell to attend one. In fact, they are the best method to ensure you stay healthy by catching serious issues and conditions early before they become harder to treat.

An annual health check-up ensures you are on the pulse of what is going on in your body and can reveal cardiovascular risks, how your immune system is functioning, signs of degenerative diseases like diabetes, which can be reversed if caught early, Vitamin D and other deficiencies that play a key role in our general physical and mental well-being, high cholesterol levels that increase our risk of stroke and heart attacks, high blood pressure, the existence of breast or testicular lumps or melanomas of the skin, and the opportunity to discuss any other minor peculiarities that can otherwise be a missed sign.

A holistic view of your physical & mental health

The emphasis in our regular medical screenings is on disease prevention or reducing and managing the risk of developing them. We look at patients holistically rather than as a collection of isolated symptoms. We think together about reasonable and suitable lifestyle changes and bring a common-sense approach to staying healthy.

We also look at your work-life balance, stress management and mental health. We know from research that stress has a far-reaching impact, from blood sugar levels to cancers. It is well-documented that many diseases and conditions are not only impacted but can also be caused by chronic and prolonged stress.

Vitamin deficiencies can cause anxiety, depression, and mood disorders on top of contributing to lowering the body’s natural defences. B vitamins and folic acid are critical for the functioning and repair of the nervous system. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a loss of bone density that can contribute to osteoporosis as well as impact our mood, hair and skin health.

Other vitamins, such as A help the body’s immune system function properly, helps vision, as well as keeps the skin and lining in some parts of our body healthy, including the nose. Vitamin E keeps eyes and skin healthy whilst Vitamin K is a group of vitamins needed by the body for blood clotting to help with the healing of wounds.

For this reasons, our doctors carry out physical examinations, ask about existing symptoms and past medical history, lifestyle and work pressures, as well as discuss relevant routine and diagnostic testing options and specific investigations to monitor hormone levels, cancer markers, and various conditions. The body and the mind tell two sides of a very interconnected story.

Empowering ourselves and effecting change with knowledge

Health screenings and knowing what is happening within our bodies, how things change and why certain processes do or might take place is educational and empowering. Once we are aware of possible risk factors and understand what could cause them (for example, is it linked to family history, environmental causes, lifestyle choices or a combination of these or other factors), we can mitigate the development of and catch early conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers.

Lifestyle factors such as avoiding inflammation-causing foods, maintaining good gut health, moderate exercise all contribute to our wellbeing but the addition of regular check-ups really adds to our self-knowledge and empowerment with regards to our health.

Most people visit a doctor when feeling unwell, however, the ideal time to do so and get in front of things is when you are feeling well. This is possible with regular health screenings and preventative healthcare.

Contact us to book your annual health check-up today.

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  • Lilly AMORELLI says:

    I would like to know what is involved in a well woman check and the cost. Thank you.

  • Natasha says:

    I recently fell ill in the past weeks and the fact that I had done a full body annual check-up in September enabled me to give a detailed history of my medical record when I got to the ER. This actually also helped the doctor get to the root of the problem quicker helping my admission run smoother and quicker. I would highly recommend an annual check-up just to keep yourself in the know in terms of what is happening with your health and to have a handy detailed report should you need one.

  • Sophia Rogers says:

    I strongly believe that having an annual health check-up is essential to maintain overall health and well-being.