‘Flu season – the link between ‘flu jab and cardiac health

As we’re entering ‘flu season, I wanted to draw your attention to the importance of getting a ‘flu jab. This isn’t only about preventing ‘flu anymore. Increasingly, research is showing the connection between viruses in the body and the onset of a number of diseases including cancers. Most recently, The Daily Telegraph has reported that the winter ‘flu jab may prevent heart attacks, reducing the risk by one-fifth. This study is based on data on 79,000 British patients and compared the rate of heart attacks in people given the ‘flu vaccine and those who were not vaccinated. The researchers believe that is may be connected to the prevention of chest infections which can lead to heart attacks.

Prevention of viral infection should be an important part of your health programme and this means the “usual” lifestyle advice including sleep, fluids and fresh fruit and vegetables but also stress management. I will soon be asking Dr Ali Shakir, our resident therapist, to post something on stress management. It is a stressful time for everyone at the moment but we can take measures to stop it hurting our health.


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