Please make an appointment to bring your child in to see a GP if you suspect that they have scarlet fever, or are showing any of the above symptoms. The doctor will examine your child & ask you about their symptoms. A throat swab may be taken in order to send to the lab for testing & confirming a diagnosis. If you child has scarlet fever, you will receive a prescription for antibiotics. This is included in the cost of your consultation.
Scarlet fever is a highly infectious bacterial illness. Thanks to antibiotics, it is now less common than it was in the past, & can be treated effectively. This infection usually affects children from age 5 to 15, particularly those under the age of 10, & is more common in the winter months. Scarlet fever spreads in the same was as a cold or flu, in salivary droplets found in the coughs & sneezes of someone who has the infection.
It’s important to be aware of the signs & symptoms of scarlet fever, both because it is so infectious & because it can lead to more serious health complications. Sometimes it can follow on from a case of strep throat.